Quests For Love

A Knight's Dream

The early morning mists swirl in a gentle breeze stirred by the warming sun. Heavy dew covers the meadow. Underneath a tree, a knight stirs from his refreshing slumber. nearby, his gallant charger feeds on the fresh green grasses. A more pastoral scene was never known. The knight rises from his blanket and gathers his armor. Another day of travel he must begin. But, something is different about the meadow. He turned and saw a small keep with a short, but stout wall.

"Blessed me," said the knight. "I do not recall this keep as being here when I arrived late yesterday. It is wonderful."

The stones of the wall were washed white like lilies. The delicate gate was trimmed in gold with a stained glass portal. The knight collected his sword and walked to the gate. He expected the gate to be locked. But, alas, it opened as he gently pushed on it. Not a sound came from inside the courtyard. No men. No animals. Not even the laughter of children. The gate swung further to reveal the hall. The hall was white-washed like the walls. Stained glass covered the windows. The doorway to the hall was detailed with great mythical beasts. The lock and hinges were crafted from gold.

Pushing gently on the door to the hall, the knight expected to find the entry blocked. The door gave way to his touch. The hall was lofty but not expansive. The rainbows of sunlight filtered on to floor. At the far end of the hall was a small crucifix. This isn't a hall, but a chapel, thought the knight. Turning around he glared up at the windows. Images of St Paul and St Peter shimmered in the panes of colored glass that were fixed above the door. The other saints filled the windows with their deeds to the Savior. Beneath the Crucifix was a table surrounded by new lit candles. The knight stepped to the table.

On the table there stood a small bowl atop a golden stem. Crimson rubies and pale sapphires circled the rim of the bowl. It was wondrous. He stepped closer and peered into the bowl.

"My quest is finished, Lord," said the knight. "You have shown me what I have journeyed so far for."

For in the bowl, the knight saw the love of his heart, given to him by the Lord. And, the knight woke up...

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