Quests For Love


 The Knight's Dream
 The Green Monster
 The Queen's Victory
 Ma Compagnon de VoyageNot complete

For the "modern' man, the Middle Ages holds many fascinations. Almost no other period in history has been misrepresented as have the years between the Fall of Rome and the Renaissance. The Middle Ages were the dark, evil days of man's life. During the day, the Catholic Church busied itself with hunts of heresy and witchcraft. At night, men and woman huddled around their home fires, shaking at the slightest sound. The Devil lurked inside every shadow. Death lurked at every door during the Medieval period. Over half the population of Europe died from the Black Death.

Out of this time, came the great romantic stories of Arthur, Beowulf and Roland. The greatest epics were written by men recounting tales of great battles and great feats of bravery. They also told stories of love. When man's existence was it's gloomiest, he was writing about beautiful woman and knights in shining armor. Our most remembered heros come from the Dark Ages

I have chosen this most unusual time in history as the background for sever short (one or two pages) stories of the problems that arise when two people are in love. Unfortunately, they come from my own experiences in life and love. Please take the time to read each story. You might find something that will make your life a little easier. Come back often. I will be adding pages as they written.

When you are finished reading a story, return here for the next story.  

WARNING:  All stories are protected by U S Copyright law.

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