Quests For Love


The Queen's Victory

Centuries ago, two great kingdoms were at war. Nothing uncommon really, someone was always fighting a neighbor. On this occasion, the war was over a parcel of land that bordered two kingdoms and both laid claim to it. After marriages and gifts,the dispute could not be settled. Eventually, war was the only way to settle it. Each side gathered his army and marched out onto the battlefield. After feints, skirmishes and battles, no decision could be reached. Dead lock! Finally, after a year of struggle, the Kingdom of Carcion got the upper hand. The Kingdom of Lemeck had begun tire and the treasury emptied. The stage was set for the final battle, a seige actually. One that would end the war, but leave the Kingdom of Lemeck in ruin.

It began with the Kingdom of Carcion hurling great stones against the king of Lemeck's castle. The pounding seemed relentless. When the catapults ran out stone, the soldiers braved arrows and fire to recover them. And again, the pounding would begin. Slowly, the castle wall began to falter. Carcion's archer's now could hurl their deadly bolts over the walls. Some of the arrows carried brands of fire which set portions of the castle ablaze. The knights of Lemeck fought the enemy on the outside and the burning hall inside. The king could do nothing to stop the destruction. There would be no surrender for him or his gallant knights. The king of Carcion had promised death to him and his men.

With water running low and food scarce, the king of Lemeck decided to try and obtain sanctuary for the ladies and children of the castle. A message was fired over the wall by arrow toward the camp of King Carcion. Shortly, a herald rode to the castle's crumbling wall and served notice that the king would meet to discuss the care of the ladies. Soon, the king of Carcion appeared at the wass and was met by the king of Lemeck. It was agreed that the ladies, children and other women could leave the castle with only  one thing.. The kind of Carcion further pledged that safe conduct would be granted, and leave from the battleground unmolested to the next kingdom where they could reside in peace. The bargain was struck.

The queen of Lemeck went to the hall and retreived her purse of clothing and her bible. She joined her husband in the courtyard. She kissed him farewell and turned to the gate as it opened. At finger length apart, she turned to the king. "I cannot leave you here to die my husband," she said, dropping her bundle. "You must leave," replied the king. "If I can only take one thing with me, it will be you my husband." She took him by the hand and led him toward the gate. Every lady and child then took a knight, man-at-arms and serf by the hand and led them through the gate.

"What manner of foolery is this?" snorted the king of Carcion. The queen of Lemeck bowed to the king, "My lord, you promised safe conduct for me and my ladies. And, that we may bring something with us." The king chuckled at the queen. "Yes, but not your husband and men. They must remain." The bishop of Carcion stepped forward. "My leige," said the bishop smiling at the queen, "you did grant safe conduct. However, you did not specify what the ladies may or may not bring. As a Christian king, you must uphold your pledge." The king knew the bishop, and he kew he was always right concerning about matter of Christianity and Justice. He also knew that argueing with him was pointless. He knew his soul would be in the balance.

The king of Carcion whirled his charger around and sped to his tent. The army of Carcion parted to allow the queen, her ladies and others to leave the castle and the battlefield. Each one hand-in-hand with the king, a knight or a soldier.

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