Lugh Lamhfhada's Homepage  

Lugh Lamhfhada's Homepage


This page is dedicated to my friends.

"I count myself in nothing else so happy
as in a soul remembering my good friends,"
King Richard II, William Shakespeare.

Tenants of My Life


Who Said That?
(Lugh's Favorite Quotes)



Who is Lugh?

Lugh appears from the pages of Celtic mythology as the chief god of the Tuatha de Danaan, holding a similar station as the Greek Zeus. In Gaelic, his name means light or brightness. Attached to his name you will find epithets such as Lamhfhada, long arm, being excellent in the use of spear or sling; Samildanach, much skilled or many talents; Ildanach, seer, and Maicnia, boy warrior. In Welsh, his name is Llew Llaw Gyffes, bright one of the steady hand.

When Christianity arrived in Ireland, Lugh was transformed into the warrior king of the Tuatha de Danaan. The ancient book, Leabhar Gabhale or The Book of Invasions, recounts the victory of the Tuatha de Danaan over the Fir Bolg and Formorians at Magh Tuiredh. With this victory, the Tuatha de Danaan ruled Ireland until the coming of the Gaels. The modern Irish drove the Tuatha de Danaan into the sidhs that dot the Irish countyside.

  The Shining One

Who am I?

Essentially, I am a husband, father and a friend. I count no one as my enemy and will be friends to anyone wishes me to be. Professionally, I am a retail manager, a U S Army veteran and a Tennessee National Guardsman serving in HHT 1st/278th ACR. I am a descendant of Pocahontas, being a 11th grandson. For diversion, I delve into the fathoms of history and strain to decipher the mysteries of mythology. I am a student of history and not a slave to it.

I grew up in Tennessee and I am proud of my American heritage. But I am not a bigot. All men are created equally in the mind of God, yet segregated in the hearts of men. I know no boundaries of personal freedom, except when they infringe on the freedom of others. I will defend the freedom of others, even unto death.


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Last updated July 18, 2008.