Quests For Love


The Green Monster

A knight was mounted on his strong charger seeking an adventure. The billowy white clouds rode high in the blue sky. Trees stood on eithe side of the wide trail that cut through a forest. No sign of habitaion marred the idyllic wood. As he rode, the knight spied a stream and halted. The water was cool and clear as it bubbled along its path. The knight dismounted, keeping his sword ready at hand. The great steed lowered his head to sip water. The knight had his fill and decided to rest under an immense oak. The sun moved along its course as the knight drifted to sleep.

The knight jumped with a start! He looked around to see his charger standing near by. His ears were erect, collecting any possible sound. The was shattered by the scream of a maiden. The horse snorted and trotted to the knight. The horse had sensed the need of his master. The knight stood up sifting the air for the maiden's direction. The knight peered up the trail and glimped smoke filtering up through the trees. He grabbed his blade,mounted his horse and galloped in the direction of the smoke.

The knight entered a clearing in the wood and saw a burning wagon. The bodies of three knights lie near the wagon. The knight circled the wagon peering inside. It was empty. Bandits, thought the knight. Where was the maiden? The knight searched through the neighboring wood. The woods began to clear and a crag of rock loomed above the thinning trees. Cautiously, the knight steered his charger toward the crag. A cave opened into the bowels of rock. A scream echoed from within the cave. A deep throaty laugh followed the scream. The knight dismounted his steed and walked to the mouth of the cave. Just inside, lay the bones of men. Charred on the ends.

"A dragon," murmured the knight.

Entering the cave, the knight held his sword high to counter any attack. The air was dry and sulfurous. As the knight journeyed deeper into the cave, a ruddy light filled the tunnel. Brighter and brighter the light became. A different odor attacked his nose, the foul stench of rotting flesh. On he pressed. The tunnel opened into a vast cavern. Around the cavern, small fires burned on the floor. A stream of light filtered through a hole in the roof of the cavern. Another scream shattered the silence. Again, a hideous laugh followed. On the far side of the cavern, the knight discerned a room. Crossing the cavern, the knight stumbled upon a knight in full armor. The knight was burned about the face and his armor blackened by the fierce heat of the dragon's breath.

"Stop good knight. Do not venture further," said the dying knight. "The dragon is fierce and deadly."

"How can you say that with the lady still in distress?" asked the knight kneeling down to gaze into the eyes of the dying knight.

The dying knight rolled onto his side and breathed deeply. The inhaled tickled his scorched lungs causing him to cough.

"The dragon is the most dreadful of his kind. His breath smokes with the fires of Hell," he stated, drawing deely a ragged breath. "He has killed my company of twenty gentle knights. And I soon, will join them."

A loud laugh rumbled through the cavern shaking loose rocks from the ceiling.

"He will not kill her, that one. He will torment her heart."

Blood trickled from the dying knight's mouth. He slumped and rolled onto his back. A painful groan signaled that his gallant days were over.

"Rest easy in the bosom of Arthur, dear knight."

He stood up and glanced toward the room containing the dragon and the lady. Tightening the grip on his sword, the knight turned and started for the room. At the entrance, he stopped. The smell was horrendous. He could hear the fragon breathing. He breathed with the sound of a sea borne gale. He peered into the room. Against the far wall stood the dragon. He skin was emerald green. His eyes were lit with fire. In his outstretched hand was the maiden. Her dress was tattered.

"Come in knight!" snorted the dragon. "Cowards lurk in doorways."

The knight stepped through the doorway. His blade of steel raised high for attack.

"Come and attack, brave knight. I will eat your liver too," he hissed. His green scales shimmering under the dim cavern light.

"You will find that my live is hard to come by," said the knight stepping closer. "Let the lady do and we will discuss your end."

The knight circled around the wall of the room. The lady was squirming in the grasp of the dragon. The knight stepped. There was nothing under the edge of his foot, pitching him slightly forward. Gaining his balance, the knight could tell that he was on the edge of a precipice. Following the outline, he could tell that the dragon was holding the lady over it.

"My end?" snarled the dragon. "Do you not know me, knight?"

"I am a Christian knight. I do not know the company of vile worms."

The dragon loosened his grip on the lady. She screamed as she began to slip from his fingers. The knight moved away from the precipice. Removing the threat to the lady, the knight re-established his hold.

"Why, I am you, knight! I am your jealous nature." chuckled the dragon.

"What! You devil! Making escape plans are you?" asked the knight as he stepped toward the dragon.

"Do you not know this lady?" quizzed the dragon. "She is your lady. The love of your life."

The dragon belched a small puff of flame to lighten the cave. The knight's mouth dropped open to see his wife dangling from the claws of the dragon.

"Yes," chuckled the dragon. "I do have your lady."

"What sort of magic is thisyou beast?" grumbled the knight.

"No magic! Just your jealous heart. Those other knights, do you know know them too?"

"I do not know them," replied the knight as he circled the cave.

"Yes you do. They are the friends that your wife would have made, if you hadn't been so jealous of her gentle nature."

The dragon roared. The cave shuddered.

"Even now, you are killing her!"

The dragon fully opened his fist. The lady screamed as she plummeted into the darkness of the pit.

The knight sat bolt upright in bed. His night shirt drenched with sweat. Next to him, he saw his lady sleeping beside him...with tears running down her cheek.

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